functioninitData (vm: Component) { let data = vm.$ data = vm._data = typeof data === 'function' ? getData(data, vm) : data || {} if (!isPlainObject(data)) { data = {} process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && warn( 'data functions should return an object:\n' + '', vm ) } // proxy data on instance const keys = Object.keys(data) const props = vm.$options.props const methods = vm.$options.methods let i = keys.length while (i--) { const key = keys[i] if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (methods && hasOwn(methods, key)) { warn( `Method "${key}" has already been defined as a data property.`, vm ) } } if (props && hasOwn(props, key)) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && warn( `The data property "${key}" is already declared as a prop. ` + `Use prop default value instead.`, vm ) } elseif (!isReserved(key)) { proxy(vm, `_data`, key) } } // observe data observe(data, true/* asRootData */) }
/** * Attempt to create an observer instance for a value, * returns the new observer if successfully observed, * or the existing observer if the value already has one. */ exportfunctionobserve (value: any, asRootData: ?boolean): Observer | void{ if (!isObject(value) || value instanceof VNode) { return } let ob: Observer | void if (hasOwn(value, '__ob__') && value.__ob__ instanceof Observer) { ob = value.__ob__ } elseif ( shouldObserve && !isServerRendering() && (Array.isArray(value) || isPlainObject(value)) && Object.isExtensible(value) && !value._isVue ) { ob = new Observer(value) } if (asRootData && ob) { ob.vmCount++ } return ob }
/** * Observer class that is attached to each observed * object. Once attached, the observer converts the target * object's property keys into getter/setters that * collect dependencies and dispatch updates. */ exportclassObserver{ value: any; dep: Dep; vmCount: number; // number of vms that have this object as root $data
/** * Walk through all properties and convert them into * getter/setters. This method should only be called when * value type is Object. */ walk (obj: Object) { const keys = Object.keys(obj) for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { defineReactive(obj, keys[i]) } }
/** * Observe a list of Array items. */ observeArray (items: Array<any>) { for (let i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { observe(items[i]) } } }